
Adult Impact Questions

Welcome!  We call our discussion time before the message Adult Impact focusing on the passage being preached in the morning service.  The intent is that as you interact with one another around the message passage that you will grow in faith with opportunities to apply Scripture to everyday life.  We want Scripture to have a lasting impact on you as you encourage one another to grow in faith.   Our hope is to instill spiritual growth through independent study, focused interaction and individual application.  To enhance your own personal learning, questions are posted below that you can print off and study throughout the week prior to Sunday’s lesson.  So, what are you waiting for?  Pick up your Bible, a set of questions, a pen and go for it!  Whether you are able to attend or not, studying independently or in a small group, our prayer is that we journey together in a study of God’s Word to encourage one another to grow in our faith as a follower of Jesus.

2025 Adult Impact Study Questions



