
Hardhearted or Heaven Bound?

03 29 John 12.37-50 It’s hard to believe that anyone could not believe in the Messiah after many convincing miracles, yet our text tells us that there were those who chose not to believe.  Prophecy indicates that because they would not believe so that God made it so they could not believe.  They had chosen for so long to ignore the truth, that God judged them for their disbelief.  Jesus is who He claims to be and the text concludes with Jesus confirming His deity, the relationship He had with God the Father.  Consequently to believe in Him is to be saved.  To reject Him is to be judged and condemned.  It’s our choice to remain hardhearted or heaven bound.  There is a promise for those who believe.  There is the promise of salvation, there is the promise of sealing, and there is the promise of security.