
The Main Business – Soul Winning

In this message, Mr. Randy Chamberlain discusses the business of the Christian to be a soul winner, a believer who shares the gospel so that they can learn about and receive Christ as Savior.


An Uplifting Psalm

David has strong convictions about God. Because he trusted in God’s sovereignty, David had learned to wait patiently on the Lord. His personal experience testified that God had heard him and helped him and he wanted others to trust in the same God and worship Him. His convictions led to his consecration of committing himself to fully obey the Lord. Conviction will lead to consecration, not the practice of rituals for the sake of rituals, but in an inner commitment of obedience that exhibits the character of God.


A Caution and a Choice

No matter what we do, it seems like weeds keep coming back. It doesn’t seem fair or right that they prosper while we struggle to get our flowers and vegetables to grow with a lot of effort. David addresses something else that doesn’t see fair or right. Why do the wicked seem to prosper? Why do the righteous seem to get the raw end of the deal and the wicked have no problems? David gives us a caution not to fret over or envy the wicked. Their prosperity is short lived. Instead, David gives us five ways to combat a wrong attitude about the wicked. It begins with trusting the Lord. Let’s also remember that their demise will come, while on the other hand, our eternal reward is yet to come.


It’s A Choice: This or That

David describes two natures. The nature of the wicked and the nature of God. Which nature do we desire?


The Legacy of the Sermon on the Mount

Mr. Robert Berlin provides a good overview of the Sermon on the Mount helping us to understand the importance of building our life and faith on the solid foundation.


Loyalty Is Better Than Sacrifice

What is loyalty? Pastor Mike Neigh shares from Hosea 6 aspects of loyalty that especially are fitting for fathers to consider.


For Those In Trouble

David took a calculated risk and found it wasn’t the best idea. He went to the enemy hoping he could find a safe harbor from Saul who had it in for the hero of Israel. From the experience, he wrote Psalm 34. He not only gives an invitation to praise God, he instructs on the kind of right living that is necessary for praise to be given.


Sing a New Song

Here is another of David’s psalms of praise. He speaks about God and His praise, God and His power, God and His providence, and God and His protection. They are reasons for which we are to give God praise. Does your praise include each of these reasons to praise God? He is worthy of praise for these and so many more things. So, as the psalm encourages, let’s sing a new song, and don’t forget to sing joyfully.


What a Relief!

In this psalm, David shares about how blessed or happy a person who has experienced the forgiveness of God. He also recalls how he felt when he tried to conceal his sin. He experienced some physical suffering and knew the heavy hand of God on him. Oh, but he knew the joy of confessing them to God that results in praising God. Do you have unconfessed sin? Would you be free from your burden of sin? God is both willing and able to forgive. Then you, too, can experience the joy of knowing that your sins are forgiven and that God does not keep a record of them. Your account is wiped clean. What a relief!


From Sorrow to Singing

In Psalm 30, David gives several opening reasons why his praise to the Lord is understandable. God had lifted him out of the depths. God had healed him and spared him. David reminds us that God’s wrath is temporary, but His favor lasts a lifetime. There are so many reasons to praise the Lord and to invite others to join us in that praise. Next, David has confidence in the Lord that is unshakeable. We can have confidence because of the Lord’s mercy. David ends the psalm by noting that his worship of the Lord is unhindered. Dancing and joy are just a couple of the expressions David exhibits in singing praise to God, praise he says that will not be kept silent and will last forever.