
In Times Like These, Too

I’m not very good at waiting. Chances are, you aren’t either. Yet, there are times God asks us, no, tells us to wait. In our hurry up culture with microwaves and instant this or that, it’s hard to sit by and wait on God’s timing. Yet, throughout Scripture we see that those who waiting at the bidding of the Lord had positive results, while those who ran ahead of the Lord, ended in defeat or despair. David says when we are going through trouble, wait on the Lord to deliver. He assures us that the Lord is with us, even in the waiting.


In Times Like These

In this message, we consider the first 6 verses learning about David’s absolute trust in God in times of danger. Whatever he was going through that was troubling, David was leaning on the Lord to help him through it. He had confidence in God because he had communion with God. The more time spent with the Lord, the more you come to understand and believe that He keeps His word that He is with you all the time to help you through your troubles. Do you trust Him? Do you trust in Him?


Here Comes the Judge

Have you ever felt like you were falsely accused of something? David did. He went right to the top to seek vindication. He appealed to God. He not only didn’t want to be falsely accused, but neither did he want to be lumped in with the wicked in their judgment. His appeal was based on his character. One thing David could bank on was his security in God. He knew He could depend on God’s mercy and redeeming power because he trusted in God. That trust was both unwavering and continuous. Do we have that kind of trust in the Lord?


Get Ready, the King Is Coming

Psalm 24 is set in a joyful celebration. Yet it also comes with an urgent message. Do you desire to come into the presence of the King? If so, there are some conditions required for that privilege. David says we must have clean hands a pure heart. Clean hands refers to conduct. A pure heart speaks of motives or attitudes. In other words, we must have hands and heart that are obedient to the Lord. It’s a call for self-examination to see if our conduct and attitudes are right with God. What’s in the heart will come out in what we do and say. David gives us a challenge to clean up our act if we would come into the presence of the Almighty King – God Himself.


Benefits of the Book

What book has had the most impact on you, the greatest influence in your life? IN spite of the continued attack on the Bible, it remains the most impactful book ever of all the books in print. It’s been estimated that over 5 billion copies have been sold. In Psalm 19, David provides some benefits to the Word of God that tell us why it should be precious to us, powerful in us, and present in us. Have you let the word of God impact you?


Preparing for the Present, Planning for the Future

David had a lot going on in his life. In Psalm 17 he is facing some serious trouble so he calls out to God. He pleads from his integrity and about his enemy, but looks beyond his troubles to what he knows will one day happen, being in the presence of God. That’s worth all the trials he was facing. What a great reminder. Yes, cry out to God when going through trouble, but look beyond that knowing that what we’re going through now is only temporary because looking forward to being in God’s presence is eternal.


Because of Christ

He is risen. He is risen indeed! Of all the important events and people in history, Jesus is the most important person and His birth, death AND resurrection are the most important events. They are inseparably linked. From our passage in II Corinthians 5:14-21, we discover that because of His sacrifice for us, we have a new passion, we are a new person, and we have a new purpose. Only through Christ’s sacrifice for us and His resurrection can we be made new. Are you a new creation?


Good Friday Service

What a great day to reflect on the sacrifice of Christ for us and to celebrate the finished work He accomplished on the cross.


Lessons From the Triumphal Entry

In thinking about the triumphal entry, give thought to the obedience of Jesus to His Father and headed to Jerusalem where He knew His destiny would take Him to the cross. Consider the two disciples who were obedient to the request of Jesus in going to get a donkey for Him to ride. Think about the owner of the donkey who allowed Jesus to borrow the donkey or the symbolism of the donkey carrying Jesus and how in just a week’s time, Jesus would carry the burden of mankind’s sin. Jesus did it all for us, so that we could have an eternal home in heaven. As the songwriter penned: “If that isn’t love…”


Be Thou Faithful

Mr. Randy Chamberlain challenges us to consider what it means to be faithful from Proverbs 20:6 and I Corinthians 4:2.