
An Open Door – For Now

03 22 Luke 13.22-30 Jesus, the master story teller, tells yet another story to answer the question someone asked about how many would be saved.  His answer is illustrated for us through the story of an open door, a door that is narrow, but a door that the owner shut.  Many people tried to get in but couldn’t because the owner had shut the door and wouldn’t be opened again.  The point Jesus was making wasn’t to say how many would be saved, the point of the illustration is for each person to ask if he or she is saved.  Do you know for sure you have gone through the narrow door?  That door is Jesus and it’s in the shape of a cross.  The old hymn tells it like this: the way of the cross leads home.  If you aren’t sure today, know this – God loves you and made a way through the door through His Son, Jesus.  He died so that we can enter, but the door won’t always remain open.  Know today that you are saved.