
Two People, Two Prayers, Two Paths

08 02 Luke 18.9-14 Jesus has been talking about the Kingdom of God which is coming soon.  He has encouraged prayer for it to come and to pray for courage until it comes because leading up to that day, it will be like the days of Noah and Lot.  People will be carrying about business as usual, unconcerned about the impending judgment to come.  In our passage today, we find through a parable, Jesus telling us how we can be sure we are a part of God’s kingdom.  “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”  That’s the only way.  Two people are described.  Two people offer prayers.  Two paths will be followed.  There is the religious who think they will get in God’s kingdom but haven’t called on God for His mercy, and there is the repentant, who know that is the only way.  Of the two, which are you – religious or repentant?