
Some Rest With A Test

09 28 Luke 9.10-17 What is the most impossible thing you have ever been asked to do?  Clean your room?  Explain quantum physics?  Teach kindergartners?  For the disciples it seems, at least from this passage, that it was to feed 5-10,000 people.  Clearly a test of faith.  Would they remember the things they have just experienced in their the ministry experiences they just encountered?  They were given an opportunity to rest but it was interrupted with a test.  Over recent weeks we have learned some important principles.  If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.  If God gives you a task, He will give you the tools for the task.  In this passage if God presents a problem, He is the provision.  The disciples came up with some excuses as to why they couldn’t do the impossible.  Do they sound familiar as one’s we have used?  What’s God asking you to do that may seem impossible to us, but not to God.  Let’s trust Him.