
Are You the Christ?

01 31 Luke 22.66-23.25 This passage raises perhaps the single most important question that can be asked.  It was raised by those who should have known the answer given the overwhelming evidence in what they knew from Old Testament prophesy, what they were witness to, and in what they heard.  They posed it to a man they had arrested the previous night.  The answer to this question has eternal ramifications.  Speaking to Jesus they asked “are you the Christ?”  The religious leaders questioning Jesus had rejected the possibility that He was the Christ, the Messiah.  They had all the proof, but ignored it.

Matthew Henry writes “there are none so blind as those who will not see.”   Former US Senate Chaplain Richard Halverson said that “the real problem with Jesus Christ is not that folk can’t believe in Him – but that they won’t believe in Him.”

The question about Christ is one we will all face and must all answer.  How we answer it will determine where we spend eternity.  Do you believe He was just a man or that He was in fact God in the flesh (John 1:1, 14) who died for our sin that by faith in Him we can everlasting life?