
An Open Invitation

Revelation 22.12-21 As we close out the year there is a sense in which we are looking forward to the new year with anticipation of new beginnings, things being different, somehow better.  Over recent weeks the world was held captive to the theory of the Mayan calendar that the world would end.  It didn’t, at least not yet and not according to the Mayan (or any other) prediction.  Only God knows the day and hour.  In His final words to us recorded in the book of Revelation, Jesus compels us to ponder the truth from His words when He says “I am coming quickly.”  These words should urge us to be prepared for that day and in this New Year it would do us well to strive in ever greater effort to live godly.  Jesus’s return is sure, it is sudden, it is with scrutiny and it is summoned.  Look for His return – it may be this year.
