
Abram’s Call

09 15 Genesis 12-15.6 After his call to a life of faith we sometimes see a faith that falters and sometimes a faith that follows.  Abram provides us with a great example of someone who learned from his lessons and grew in his faith.  Along the way we see how God provided for him as he walked by faith.  God kept His promises with Abram and will keep His promises with us.  A walk of faith is always into the unknown in order to learn complete trust and dependence on God.  God’s promises were conditioned on Abram’s obedience, for faith and obedience always go together.  From Abram’s initial call to faith, we see a crisis of faith but in the end there is a change in his faith.  Journey with him into a life of faith for as Hebrews 11:6 says, “without faith it is impossible to please God.”
