
Of Fundamentals, Fruit, and Foundations

06 29 Luke 6.37-49 In what Jesus teaches, He challenges us with difficult commands.  Don’t judge.  Don’t condemn. Forgive. Give.  Those are fundamental principles of the Christians life.  But the most basic question to be asked is about the spiritual foundation we are building on.  Is it solid or soft?  Is it on Christ or the religious philosophies of the world?  Time will tell which foundation you are built on.


Living Radically in a Conflicted World

06 22 Luke 6.27-36 The religious leaders of Jesus’ day had been a religion around tradition.  Jesus came and taught about radical living.  It was radical because He taught that we should love our enemies and then gave some examples of what radical living looked like.  Radical living is different, but it begins in the heart.  The heart changes comes from radical love that is divine.  Who is your enemy?  We may not think we have any enemies, but there may be some who would consider you an enemy.  Can you love them as Jesus commands? 


Jesus Leveled With His Disciples

06 15 Luke 6.17-26 It’s important to note that Jesus came down to our level to teach and reach us.  His words to the disciples are just as valid for us today as He teaches on the true meaning of happiness, happiness that is different from how the world portrays it. 



Who’s Your Neighbor

Who’s Your Neighbor and what are you doing for him?  (No sermon notes.  Message preached by Mr. Randy Chamberlain)



It All Comes Down To A Choice

06 01 Luke 6.12-16  If you had the choice Jesus is about to make in our text, what method would use?  Some would just “role the dice.”  Others may go with a gut feeling.  You might seek counsel or just draw straws.  Jesus was developing His own succession plan to prepare 12 men to carry on His ministry once He was gone.  He began His selection process with prayer.  A very unorthodox method when compared to today’s models of selection and development and the 12 He chose weren’t skilled in theological training or public speaking, yet they were the ones Jesus would invest His time and energy in.  It goes to show that Jesus can take anyone who is willing and mold them into people who can turn the world upside down.  Are we willing to be that person?