
Commit to One Another

09-25-I-John-3-16-18 The degree to which we love someone is the degree to which we will be committed to that person.  How do we show commitment to one another?  I think it’s how we live out daily these one another principles we have been discussing in this series.  Jesus gives us a great example in the level of commitment He has toward us.  What is love (what is commitment)?  He laid down His life for us.

(Our apologies, there is no audio available for this message.)


Pray for One Another

09-18-James-5-13-18 Prayer is a powerful tool.  In our one another admonition we are commanded to pray for one another, and to pray continuously.  While there are any number of things that we can bring before the throne of God in prayer, we touch on six specific ways to pray for the spiritual well-being of other believers.  So what are you waiting for, start praying – others need you.

(We apologize – there is no audio for this message.)


Don’t Grumble Against One Another

09-11-james-5-7-9 Don’t grumble against one another.  What a challenging admonition.  We all feel taken advantage of from time to time.  It can even be exploitation, yet we are admonished to not grumble against one another.  James encourages us by noting that we should be patient and stand strong/firm in such difficult circumstances because the Lord’s return is near.  The encouragement is not only in His return but in the judgment He will bring against those who exploit others for their own personal gain.  Hang in there and don’t grumble, because if we too grumble we also will be judged.


Consider One Another

09 04 Hebrews 10.24-25 The authors admonition is to give careful consideration to each other regarding attitudes, actions, and attendance.  The latter is more than just mere presence in gathering regularly for worship, it has the idea of being concerned for the spiritual well-being of each other.  When someone starts to slip away from their love for the Lord, we are to encourage them in their faith.

(Our apologies, the audio for this message is not available.)