
The Rich and the Poor

Proverbs 22.2 If you are rich, how do you view the poor?  If you consider yourself poor, how do you view the rich?  Our passage states that both the rich and the poor have one thing in common, God is the maker of them all.  With that in mind I have some ideas about that, eight of them to be exact.  They range from the idea of indifference to the idea of importance.  God’s Word has a lot to say about the rich and poor.



A Good Name

Proverbs 22.1 You can buy a lot of things, but you cannot buy a good name.  You can have a lot of money, but not have a good name.  A good name is a matter of choice.  A good name is a matter of character.  A good name is a matter of conduct.  Every day, in every situation, whom ever you are with, a good name is a choice you make. 



Title Deed to the Promises of God

Randy Chamberlain filled the pulpit.



Treasure or Troube

Proverbs 15.6 History provides sufficient examples of the principle of this verse.  Where righteousness exists there is indeed great treasure in the home.  It may not be in tangible things like material possessions or big bank accounts, but certainly in the intangible but seeable things like love, joy, peace, contentment.  There is treasure in the home, the heart and in heaven for the righteous.  That cannot be said of the wicked.  They may have vast wealth, but through their wickedness there is trouble in the home, in the heart and in heaven for them.  It doesn’t have to be.  Through the redemptive work of Christ on the cross, Jesus provided a way to receive the treasure of eternal life and the rewards of heaven that await the righteous.