
The Tongue Unloosed

Proverbs 18.21 – The tongue is such a powerful tool.  It can be both destructive and construcive.  When we consider the teaching of Jesus that our words will be judged, how will we use this tool God has given us?  Proberbs has much to say about the tongue – “it brings life and death.” 



Ruin or Reward

Proverbs 4.23 – Ancient wisdom for modern times.  It certainly applies in our passage today.  In the area of self-control we learn how important it is to guard our heart in an effort to maintain self-control.  There are plenty of Biblical and historical examples of individuals who were brought to ruin because they lacked control.  We also learn from Scripture that self-control isn’t something we are born with, but rather it is one component of the fruit of the Spirit that is being developed in the Christian as he or she yields to the empowering work of the Holy Spirit.  It is through the Spirit then that we are able to overcome desires through self-control.  We must surrender our will and submit our way to Him.



Do Opposites Really Attract

Proverbs 10.12 There couldn’t be any two more opposing ideas or emotions that love and hate.  Solomon wants to convey the path each leads to.  Their end results have marked differences.  Which path will you choose?  It’s yours to decide. 



Feast or Famine

Proverbs 15.13, 15 – It’s true!  Scripture teaches it and medical experts support it that laughter is good medicine.  The opposite is also true, that a sorrowful heart has adverse physical and psychological affects on a person.  What affects the heart and mind also affects the body.  Body, mind and spirit are connected.  Solomon conveyed that to his son.  I think he was teaching us that when we trust in God, the difficulties of everyday life can be taken in a joyful disposition.  Afterall, if we are allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us then He will develop His fruit in us, part of which is joy – even when there is heartache.



A Certain Destiny

Proverbs 14.34 – When was the last time you pondered the course of our history?  Is God pleased with us as a nation?  Of the two options given in this passage which do you believe we are and why?  Has America lost its way?  Have we cut loose from our founding moorings and now are adrift?  We must return back to a nation that pursues righteousness.  Blessings don’t come from hard work, they come from God.
